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The New America

     I know that every generation says this and I don't want to sound like one of those old people that complain about the younger generation. With that said, I think if any generation had reasons to complain about a generation it's my generation. Now I'm not talking long hair versus shorthair or smoking ,drugs and music, Okay well maybe music too, seriously, what is up with today's music? 1960s you had the Beatles, 1970s you had Pink Floyd, the 1980s, you had Journey and Aerosmith, 1990s you had Nirvana and now in the 2000's you have Justin Bieber, one direction, Nicki Minaj, and how can we forget the music stealing Lady Gaga, who can't form an original anything. Seriously?! WTF! None of the bands of today have any talent whatsoever, unless you call the "hoe" song really music and real talent.

      Anyways I'm not here to bitch about music. The generation that is growing up right now are a bunch of self entitled, egotistical, bratty kids. Part of the problem is my generation. Although I don't understand how my generation who had discipline for the most part and direction from our parents, whose futures look so bright and like they were decent people. So how can a generation who had discipline, direction, and were not a bunch of asshats raise such self entitled self important brats!? I'm not saying all kids of today are like that, but the majority are. But then again, all of a sudden my generation are a bunch of self-important self entitled egotistical pains in societies ass. So how did my generation become that? Which therefore makes the next generation exactly the same and/or worse so I can't really blame this new generation for how they are. They see their parents doing it or people on TV like your reality stars. So what's my generation excuse? Most of our parents worked their asses off to get what they have and I know that most of my friends in high school worked their asses off to get the stuff they wanted but those were my friends. So what the hell happened? To be honest, I think it was the media pushing that it's okay not to work, and if you don't work, the government will take care of you.
     NEWS FLASH! Work is hard. That is why it's called work. Otherwise it would be called fun. Nobody wants to work, but they do it! They do it to make a better life for their children than they had. They do it to get the nice things that they want! Nobody else is going to do for you. Sure, the government will give you some money but I can tell you firsthand that it's not even enough to live off of. I am on Social Security disability and you want to know how much I get? For one month I get a grand total of $730.00 . Woo hoo. Guess how much my rent is? $507.00! That leaves me with $223.00 for the rest of the month for bills and food. I have court ordered child support, but that doesn't mean that I get it every month. The reason I am on disability isn't for some stupid reason like being an alcoholic, a fake injury, or for shits and giggles. I am on it because I have cerebral palsy and an auto immune disorder. My son, who is autistic , gets $710 a month because he is autistic. Neither one of us will be able to live on our own because of the money situation.
     Personally, I would rather work my ass off to be able to own my own home and give my son something better than I had, but unfortunately I can't work. So I do the best I can. I just don't understand why so many people want to live off of the government because it's not fun. I have lived off of the government since 1998. The medical sucks. Sure, you get free medical care and free prescriptions or only have to pay a little bit but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. I have to fight for my life saving medications every six months, as well as my doctor has to fight for me too. I needed to go to the Mayo Clinic and guess what Medicare said no. My doctors weren't going to send me just because they felt like it. They needed to send me to the Mayo because they didn't know what else to do with me because I have a rare form of this autoimmune disease. They told that to Medicare and that still wasn't good enough for them. They have to jump through so many hoops to get me into the Mayo and thank God they did because I would be dead right now if they didn't.
     Medicare, which is pretty much what everybody will have now thanks to Obama care, only cares about the cost and unless their hands are forced into paying for something and you are willing to fight for it. They're not going to pay. That's just a little warning for you guys.
     Okay back to my original rant. So, like I said it's not easy being on government assistance. But when you have people that feel like they are owed , or they deserve something, you get a bunch of Angel Adams' and that is sickening and sad.

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