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Warning: The Content of this Blog may contain profanity, adult situations, sexual references, and is intended for people who are at least 18 or older or with parental approval. Thank you and enjoy! Smile


If you are into Cryptids/Cryptozoology, here are some great reputable places to check out


Bigfoot Research News
Bigfoot Evidence - World's Only 24/7 Bigfoot News Blog: Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments.
The Squatch Detective Blog
The Bigfoot Network
The Bigfoot Report
Bizzarre Zoology
Bigfoot Tracker News  - A site dedicated to putting an end to Rick Dyer's hoaxing and scamming the bigfoot community
Monster X Radio's Blog
Thylacine Research Unit

Have people lost their damn minds?

     What's up with all of the screwed up people out there?  The parent of an autistic child gets a letter from one of her neighbors telling her to euthanize him, an eighth grader gets molested by his teacher, the teacher pleads guilty and gets 15 to 30 years, some of the teachers from his school support him, the school district has not done anything with the teachers who say it was a one-time thing and is not a pedophile, meanwhile somebody burned down the victims garage while the family slept and nobody does anything about it, and three kids kill somebody because they were bored and for the fun of it.


     6 women jurors followed the law and found George Zimmerman not guilty. I watched most of the trial and I am so glad they (the jurors) followed the law and did not give in to a guilty verdict because of the political or racial "pressure campaign" that took place before during and after the trial.

My Rant

     In light of recent news stories such as Paula Deen and the Zimmerman trial I feel the need to rant.  First off, before you all start hating on me for what I'm going to bitch about, know this, I am a minority, not by my race but by way of physical disability.  I have cerebral palsy. Oh, before you guys say omg you have no idea what it's like for a "real" minority. Yes I do.  I have been discriminated against. I have been chased down by people on motor bikes trying to kill me just because I walk different.  I have been called all sorts of derogatory names.  I look at the word retarded the same way an African American looks at the N word, it's a disgusting word to me.  So now that I have said all of that it is time for my rant.

Happy Easter

I just wanted to say Happy Easter from my family to yours! I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. Take Care

Update 3/23/2013

hey everybody I just wanted to give you guys update.  I am working on my autism special blog/podcast.  I'm writing the blog part first.  It's hard to remember when certain events took place.  We're not only dealing with autism, but ADHD and ODD oppositional defiant disorder.

New Easter Template

I just wanted to let everyone know I uploaded a new Easter Template. Here's a picture

I hope you like it!


So, I have been thinking about something the past couple weeks and I've decided to do it.  So here's my idea..........  I am going to do a special edition podcast about my son and autism.  It'll be a 2 or 3 part podcast.  I think it's an important topic and I know that something like this would have been a big help to me starting out.  So I'll be doing this soon!

New Template

I just created a new Template for St. Patrick's Day.  I'm really pleased with it.  I hope you like it as well.  Here it is and it'll be in the menu too.

St. Patty's Day Template

Love is in the air

Happy Valentine's day everyone!
My boyfriend gave me a cute card, a box of chocolate truffles, and a sterling silver ring with 12 diamonds for 12 years! He is the best.  I am so lucky to have him in my life. We are going to do a Valentines day lunch instead of dinner because he works tonight. Here's a pic of the ring

My TV Shows

  • American Horror Story*
  • Arrow
  • Baby Daddy
  • Bates Motel
  • Beauty and the Beast (2012)*
  • Bones
  • Burn Notice
  • Castle
  • Comic Book Men
  • Continuum

The New America

     I know that every generation says this and I don't want to sound like one of those old people that complain about the younger generation. With that said, I think if any generation had reasons to complain about a generation it's my generation. Now I'm not talking long hair versus shorthair or smoking ,drugs and music, Okay well maybe music too, seriously, what is up with today's music? 1960s you had the Beatles, 1970s you had Pink Floyd, the 1980s, you had Journey and Aerosmith, 1990s you had Nirvana and now in the 2000's you have Justin Bieber, one direction, Nicki Minaj, and how can we forget the music stealing Lady Gaga, who can't form an original anything. Seriously?! WTF! None of the bands of today have any talent whatsoever, unless you call the "hoe" song really music and real talent.

Happy New Year

Wow a new year has begun and I am hoping this year will be good.
Let me start with the best thing- Today is my wonderful son's birthday.  He is 15 but thinks/wishes he was 20 lol. This weekend we'll be going to his favorite restaurant and to see The Hobbit for his birthday celebration and then home for cake, ice cream and presents.
     Next, I see some big news for Bigfoot enthusiasts out there.  Supposedly a group captured a live Bigfoot (roll's eyes) we'll just have to wait and see but I won't hold my breath.

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